国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目“流域水文模拟及预报”/ Hydrological simulation and prediction
English Name: Hydrological simulation and prediction
Keywords: hydrological process; scaling law; watershed hydrology; hydrological modeling; hydrological forecasting
执行年限/Time: 2019.01-2023.12
The transition from a humid to an arid region involves complex hydrological processes. Therefore, studying the hydrology in semi-arid and semi-humid mountain area is relevant for understanding the functioning of the river basin and providing reliable forecast at watershed level. This project will analyze: (1) hillslope-scale rainfall-runoff processes and its constitution relationship, (2) hillslope-scale evaporation process and its constitution relationship, (3) runoff generation and evaporation at watershed scale, and (4) the determination of the scale of representative units of hydrological simulation. Field observation and experiments will be carried out to explore the hydrological processes in semi-arid and semi-humid mountainous areas. High-resolution remote sensing observations will allow to establish an upscaling method. The constitutive relationships will be improved and extended beyond specific experimental watersheds by comparative studies among different basins. The possible outcomes include: runoff generation mechanism and the corresponding constitutive relationship for semi-humid/semi-arid areas, scaling method of evaporation from tree scale to watershed scale, and the specification of representative elementary watershed.
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