水文变化和预报研究组致力于变化环境下流域水文循环机理及预测研究,集成实验观测、数值模拟和理论分析等手段开展水文与生态、气象、土壤和社会等学科的交叉研究,努力产出世界一流成果。当前主要研究方向为:流域多尺度水文过程机理和预测方法,气候变化和灌溉、城市化及水土保持等人类活动对土壤-植被-水文耦合和社会水文耦合系统的影响机理与预测,跨境河流水资源管理。期盼与国内外学者合作交流,欢迎对上述科学问题有志趣的年轻学子加入。 THUWATER group is committed to the process understanding and prediction of the hydrological cycle in the changing environment. We strive to produce the first class results on the interdisciplinary field between hydrology and ecology, meteorology, pedeology and social sciences based on the integrated method of experiment, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis. Currently main research interests include: mechanism and forecasting approaches of hydrological processes at interlinked multiple-scales; coevolution of coupled soil-vegation-water system and coupled human-water system and their predictions under climate change and human activities, transboundary water resources management. We look forward to cooperation with domestic and foreign scholars, and interested students are welcome to join us.